Monday, June 27, 2011

Visiting Havala village school

Last Friday I visited DAAN center in Havala village. It was quite different from Badgaon center. The kids were different. They seem to know more English. Maybe too many volunteers taught them in the past. The center looked a lot more like school. There were maps and posters on the wall. The DAAN teacher was an older man compared to the young Sorab teaching in Badgaon.

Also it seemed like there were more girls in that center than in the other one.

Kids asked me many questions. They also played many games.

The semi-funny story of the day is that one of the kids tried to punch our car's tire. Apparently he was not happy with Sam scolding him a bit for his bad behavior in class. Fortunately we came on time. Only some air was gone from the tire. We had to stop to fix it on the way back.

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